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Página 227 - We have thus stated the principal facts connected with tins complicated phenomenon, and the causes to which they are generally attributed. And yet it is not certain that the philosophy of tides is to this day fully understood. La Place, the great French mathematician and astronomer, pronounced it one of the most difficult problems in the whole range of celestial mechanics. It is probable that the atmosphere of our globe has its tides, as well as the waters ; but we have no means, as yet, for definitely...
Página 213 - It would be easy to show — if this were the proper place for it — that unless an Immaterial Power continually re-excited motion in the material universe, all motion would stop in a very short time — perhaps in less than an hour — except that the planets would run out in right-lined directions ; and then nothing would ensue but confusion, darkness, silence, and chaos.
Página 205 - How singular that modern science is just now revealing to us the great fact that the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat...
Página 321 - ... no doubt but the spirit must have been developed, in the inorganic atom, and prepared to unite with the living organism, and in this condition is preparing for still further advancement and growth. When we learn that the spirit entities are the real existences, that are clothed with organic forms, we shall find a key that will unlock much that has been dark and mysterious in regard to the origin and multitudinous changes that have taken place in the lower forms of organic life. Darwin has labored...
Página 148 - ... assist in working out the grand purposes of those powers and principalities who seem to exert a controlling influence over all* earthly things. There cannot be any more chance work connected with these phenomena than with the operations of any other portion of the realms of nature. It is not by chance that spring and summer, autumn and winter, succeed each other in the periodical revolutions of the earth, or that the lightning flashes are beheld in the heavens, and their reverberating explosions...
Página 9 - ... vain. INTRODUCTION. The central idea contained in the following work and the one that most of these chapters are designed to substantiate is. that this globe is constructed in the form of a hollow sphere, with a shell some thirty to forty miles in thickness, and that the interior surface which is a beautiful world in a more highly developed condition than the exterior, is accessible by a circuitous and spirally formed aperture that may be found in the unexplored open Polar Sea, and this opening...
Página 359 - Were there no such changes and modifications of material substances, allnature would remain at a perfect stand-still, progress would cease, and universal death would reign supreme. Had there been no law in nature by which matter could be etherealized, then all would have remained in the materialized condition; and we should not have been provided with those elements so essential in the production and continuance of the vegetable and animal kingdoms. We then discover, that, with a solvent of sufficient...
Página 257 - ... is a synonim of life, heat, and activity. Hence, when the negative element becomes permeated to any extent with the positive, it is immediately subject to change, and becomes progressive ; for, the positive and negative being male and female, reproduce themselves or their likeness, and whenever or wherever the two elements come in contact, from that moment change and progress^commences. There can be no-thing...

Referencias en páginas web

Theosophy and the hollow earth
Theosophy and the Hollow Earth. Introduction; The Hollow Globe. By ml Sherman. (Blavatsky); Notes; The Hollow Globe: Introduction (Lyon) ...

John C. Symmes' Hollow Earth Writings
"No. 1. Circular" (1818); "Memoir 2." (1818); Port Folio (1818); Portrait (1820); "Petition, etc." (1819-1826); Concentric Spheres (1826) ...

Información bibliográfica